Profession of an economist

Profession of an economist
Society = Masyarakat/Perkumpulan
Concerned  = prihatin
Determine = menentukan
Various = bermacam
Colleges = perguruan tinggi
Analyze = menganalisa
Particular = teliti
Paychecks = gaji
Comfortable = menyenangkan
Risktaking = mengambil resiko
Measured = telah di perhitungkan
Regarded = menghormati
Rather = cukup
Ladder = tangga/jenjang
Tycoons = taipan
Variety = macam
Employed = mempekerjakan
Wears = memakai
Engage = mengikutsertakan
Addictiveness = Addictiveness
Risks =  resiko
Prefers = lebih suka
Increase = pertambahan

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1
1. monitor
2. check
3. control
4. monitor
5. control

Exercise 2
1)      Costs (n) P1 L6
2)      Monitor (v) P3 L2
3)      Flair (n) P4 L4
4)      Entrepreneur (n) P4 L3
5)      Forecast (n) P3 L1
6)      Provide (v) P2 L4
7)      Job-setting (n) P2 L1
8)      Liable (a)
a)      Supply, equip, outfit (6)
b)      Expenses, outlay (1)
c)      Control, manage (2)
d)     Skill, talent, inclination (3)
e)      Employer (4)
f)       Responsible (8)
g)      Place of work (7)
h)      Prediction (5)

Exercise 3
1. Forecasts
2. Entrepreneur
3. Tycoon
4. costs
5. provide
6. self-employed
7. benefits or fringe benefits
8. qualify
9. flair
10. liable
11. distribution / consumtion


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