I can’t imagine life without sports

I can’t imagine life without sports
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
My name Hamdai, i'm from Sengawang, Hamlet Damar, Sambas district. I was born on 30 June 1997 in Sengawang, Hamlet Damar, Sambas district. My mother's name is Jana and the name of my father is Amat, I am the first child of 4 siblings. The daily work of my parents are farmers and gardening. Originally my school SMAN 3 Teluk Keramat, I currently lecture at the University Tanjongpura Pontianak, the program study Economic Education. My hobbies are playing football, futsal and others.
Before we get into the topics that we will discuss, we must know what it is sport ?.
Sport is an activity to train a person's body, not only physically but also spiritually. Example is chess, football, futsal, badminton, swimming, billiards and others.
next, we will discuss about, I can not imagine life without sports. Why do I say so, because I think the sport is one of the most important things in our lives. Sport can give a person is not only physical health but also spiritual. Sports not only will make our body healthy but also make our thinking to be smooth. Exercise can improve muscle strength and freshness of thought.
Sport is also very important for the athletes in the whole world. Can we imagine when no sports how the athletes will get a job and earn money while the athletes have to feed for their families. One of the most popular sport is soccer. Can we imagine when no sport of soccer, how C. Ronaldo could earn money?, how Messi could be famous?, and also if there is no sport how the fate of Neymar now?. So we can imagine if there is no sport, our bodies will be sickly, to be weak, We would be lazy to think, and of course how the fate-the fate of athletes that exist throughout the world.
Let our comrades again increase sport in life, so that we can be healthy, be strong, and be quick in acting and thinking.
Maybe just it can we discuss in our chance this time.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


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