Why I continue my study to university level
I continue my study to university level
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
My name Hamdai, i'm from
Sengawang, Hamlet Damar, Sambas district. I was born on 30 June 1997 in
Sengawang, Hamlet Damar, Sambas district. My mother's name is Jana and the name
of my father is Amat, I am the first child of 4 siblings. The daily work of my
parents are farmers and gardening. Originally my school SMAN 3 Teluk Keramat, I
currently lecture at the University Tanjongpura Pontianak, the program study Economic
Education. My hobbies are playing football, futsal and others.
Before I explain why I
continue to university I want to explain advance my ideals real. My desire is
actually wanted to be a soccer player. But in my heart it was too heavy and
difficult so I decided to continue college.
Now, I will explain why
I continue school to the university level. First, I want to earn a degree
bachelor or often called S1, and I wanted my parents happy. The next reason is
because I want to change the fate of my family and could give encouragement to
my younger siblings to want to continue their education to the university level
as well. A further reason is indeed my own desires and the desire of parents
also always hope I can to college.
And now I've become as
a college student, hopefully a student who can make a difference to society.
Maybe that's all I can
explain the reason why I continue school to the university level.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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